Sunday, October 11, 2009

How complete is your Kingdom??

My Kingdom or I should say the kingdom where my players begin there games is fairly detailed as I have 12 known towns/cities in which the players choose to come from and we would develop a storyline about why the players pc was in a certain town, what there background was running/hiding, maybe they were just out looking for trouble or to have fun.

At this point the players would eventually meet the other pc's and we would start the adventure. I have kept most of my original notes over the years to answer any questions about the area the players entered which included maps, dates & etc. I also made a detailed monetary system for the kingdom describing the thickness of the coin and what each coin of the realm is called, plus I had a calendar with days of the week and month's, moon phases. The maps are made using the Campaign Cartographer from Pro fantasy software even though I am not that great at making maps as some of the map enthusiasts out there I always had fun designing the maps and coming up with names for establishments, working on different Coat of Arms for my nobles, and just naming the main npc's the players would evenutally encounter.

For a lot of the establishments the pc's would go to I had made up the various npc's past of why he/she was running that particular business what their alignment was and any other items that could be useful to enterprising pc's, who had the where-with-all to explore other area besides the adventure they had started.

This was another contributing factor to helping keep the world we had invented fresh and new.

Till next time good gaming.

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