Too many gods you say?? You bet your sweet bippe, especially in 2nd edition AD&D, yes you could limit the pantheon(s) the players got to choose from for selecting their god if they had a religion. But, even then they could choose from between 10 or more god or goddesses. Usually they selected one that gave their Pc a slight edge or two, letting them have slightly different weapons or magical spells that they might not otherwise be able to take normally.
I was just as guilty as the next player when it came to choosing a god for my Pc also, but when I started my PBP game, I decided enough is enough and came out with a list of 5 gods, finally settling on 6 gods for my players to choose from in the Kingdom their Pc's would be starting their adventuring career in.
The following is a list of my pantheon of gods including a small description of the god there alignment and also clerical and magical spheres they allow access to.
Gods of Arcynia:
Vanthor-God of Light and all that is Good
All lawful good to lawful neutral alignments
Followers include Clerics, Fighters, Paladins
Symbols are some sort of a Sun design
Paladins called Light Warriors
(weapons allowed Swords, Hammers, Maces, Morning Star & Daggers)
Normal Paladin abilities plus when addressing hostile crowd can sway them to his side if he can talk uninterrupted for at least 3 rounds
Clerics called Sun Catchers
(weapons allowed Swords, Hammers, Maces, & Daggers)
Normal Clerical abilities plus can cure disease once per week
Spell access Major
All, Charm, Healing, Sun, Combat, & Protection
Minor access
Summoning, Guardian, Weather
Colors ranging from Gold, to Orange, to Yellow
Avatar is usually of a strong young virile man with gold flowing hair and strong morals
Veleize-Goddess of Magic and Knowledge
Any type of alignment allowed
Followers include any form of Magic-user, Scholars, Thieves
Spell access Major
All, Astral, Charm, Divination, Healing, & Protection
Minor access
Summoning, Creation, Necromantic
Symbols are some form of a globe surrounded by two moons
Paladins called Intellect Bearers
(weapons allowed Mace, Hammer, Swords, Bow, & Dagger)
Min int of 16, Normal abilities plus can cast one 1st level mage spell once per week
Clerics called Mystical Saviors
(weapons allowed Sling, Mace, Hammer & Quarterstaff) Min int of 12/wis of 16
Normal abilities plus can also receive answer?? to one question once per week
Colors range from light Blue to light Greens
Avatars range from a motherly figure to a stern, exotic type of female
Necris-God of Death and all that is Evil
All evil and neutral alignments
Followers include Clerics, Fighters, Thieves, & Magic-Users
Symbols are a form of 2 snakes intertwined within a skull
Spell access Major
All, Combat, Necromantic, Summoning, & Healing
Minor access
Animal, Charm, Protection
Anti-Paladin called Death Dealers
(weapons allowed Swords, Hand Crossbow, Flail, Sickle, & Whip)
Normal abilities plus can take a level of an enemy once per week
Clerics called Life stealers
(weapons allowed Dagger, Sickle, Blowgun, & Garrote) Min wis of 16/chr 13
Normal abilities plus can cause sickness once per week
Colors range from dark Greens to any variation of Black
Avatar is some form of veiled figure either female or male
Perwin-God of Luck
Any type of alignment allowed
Followers include Thieves, Illusionists, Fighters
Symbols are a pair of dice or coins
Spell access Major
All, Charm, Guardian, Healing, Protection & Creation
Minor access
Animal, Divination & Sun
Paladins called Luck Merchants
Normal abilities plus can ask for additional help once per week (+3 to hit)
Clerics called Life Winner
Normal abilities plus can change luck one time per week (+3 to any roll)
Colors range from bright Reds or Oranges
Avatar is usually of a young male or female dressed in leather’s with a mischievous grin and calculated look in their eyes
Lewenares-Elven God
Followers besides Elves also include Druids and Rangers
Symbols include some form of a tree symbol ex.-Acorn’s, Leaves, to just a Tree itself
Spell access Major
All, Animal, Astral, Healing, & Plant
Minor access
Charm, Creation & Elemental
Avatar is of a female elf with green clothing and a light tinge of green skin
Y’Gdaly Strongarm-Dwarven God
Symbol is of one Dwarven arm holding a Dwarven Battle Hammer
Spell access Major
All, Combat, Guardian, Healing, Protection & Sun
Minor access
Creation, Elemental & Divination
Avatar is a stout dwarf in full vigor carrying two battle hammers and always has a never ending supply of ale at hand
As you can see, nothing too elaborate and fairly simple, I am sure I forgot some points to put in or maybe my descriptions are not perfect, but hey as a Dm that is my prerogative and that is what I am going with for now.
Still what I also had planned for my players that as they began to explore the world, they would be uncovering other secret religions or going to areas of the world where different religious pantheons would be encountered.
Till next time good gaming.
Piercer Miniatures?
10 hours ago
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