Friday, October 9, 2009

What Dungeon Screen Modifications do you use?

In my gaming group when I was Dm'ing I used my own version of the AD&D DM screen, my screen had the pictures on the original screen and then everything else was covered by my own cheat tables.

One was for location of critical hits/called shots using weapon size vs. target size, along with severity of injury. Next table lists Powers check from the Ravenloft Campaign Setting, I figured if some of my players where going to use dark/evil spells as good mages they could be affected by evil side effects just as evil mages using such spells might end up with. The 3rd table was for Fumbles with weapons if rolling a 1 to hit, and the last table had on it the Martial Arts Results, then a list of Armor type A.C. and DP points assigned to each (if the Pc failed to clean/care for equipment they owned or found then the armor would only last for so long before becoming a piece of junk.) and the final section was of a Disarm attempt if called for by Pc or Npc, where said weapon(s) might go if the Npc or Pc were successful in their disarming attempt.

I never really bothered with weapon speed or iniative too much unless some sort of special conditions applied to the Pc's or Npc's. Under a haste spell or slow spell or using a weapon they had never used before. One other thing I had considered having was a table for early firearms, but I was never able to figure out anything that would work and did not like any tables that were out at that time. If anyone has any ideas for that please let me know.

On a side note, the other day while reading a blog, someone had put a link to Gronardia's blog in which he had made some comments about the Ages of D&D back in January of last year. For me the Golden Age of D&D was 2nd Ed. AD&D the one I played the most learning the rules for and Dm'ed. The next versions after that just go downhill for me.

Maybe one day I will use this again or make up something else till then good gaming.

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